Children Law

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of articles on Children Law. At Evolve Family Law, we understand that navigating the intricacies of children law can be a daunting task for parents and guardians. That’s why we have curated this section to provide you with expert advice, insights, and guidance to help you make informed decisions regarding the well-being and protection of your children.

Can a Grandparent Apply to the Court for a Contact Order?

Can a Grandparent Apply to the Court for a Contact Order?

In the run-up to school holidays, there are grandparents across Northwest England who either have no contact with their grandchildren or the occasional brief meeting. As specialist family law solicitors we understand how distressing it is for them when other grandparents excitedly talk about their family holiday plans or mention the exhaustion of looking after little ones when they are in their 60s or 70s. If you are a grandparent who either isn’t seeing your grandchildren or not seeing them as much as you would like then you can apply to court for a grandparent contact order. For expert advice call our team of specialist children lawyers or complete our online enquiry form.  Does a grandparent need a family law solicitor? If you are not seeing your grandchildren as much as you would like then it sounds as if you do need help from a family law solicitor.  A family lawyer will not rush you off to court without a backward glance. At Evolve Family Law we will carefully consider: How much contact time you are getting with your grandchild Whether you are likely to improve on that amount through a solicitor-based negotiation or family mediation or applying to the family court for a child arrangement order  The impact of raising contact on family dynamics  The reasons for a parent's objections to grandparent contact or the reason for the opposition to increasing the amount of time you spend with your grandchildren  What your grandchildren want assuming they are old enough to have a say After looking at the advantages and disadvantages of non-court-based dispute resolution or making an application to the court to get an order you will be in a lot better position to decide on the right approach for you.  [related_posts] Cut off from your grandchildren If you have been cut off from your grandchildren you may not feel that you have a lot to lose by making a court application. That may be true but the Family Procedure Rules now require you to try to sort things out between yourselves before you ask the court to make an order in your favour.  That may feel like a waste of time if your child, son-in-law or daughter-in-law is entrenched in their views and won't listen to common sense or pleas from you. If you apply to the court before trying family mediation or before asking your family law solicitor to negotiate then the family court judge can adjourn your application for mediation or for discussions to take place. That’s why it is best to speak to a children lawyer to discuss non-court-based options as they can suggest a way forward that suits your situation. For example, family arbitration may be your preferred option once you have enough information about all the alternatives. Applying for a grandparent contact order A family law solicitor will tell you that there is no such thing as a grandparent contact order in English law. When parents and extended family cannot agree on who a child should live with and parental and extended family contact then parents and extended family can apply to the family court for a child arrangement order. A parent has a legal right to apply for a child arrangement order. A grandparent must first apply for permission to apply for a child arrangement order. That step is not as difficult as it sounds and should not deter you from making a court application. When deciding on a leave application by a grandparent the court will look at:        The connection to the child  The nature of the application for contact Whether the application might harm the child’s well-being Once you have permission to apply for your child arrangement order the court process is the same as a parent applying to the court for a child arrangement order. The court will assess if a child arrangement order and contact is in your grandchild’s best interests after considering a range of factors. Will I get a grandparent contact order? A family law solicitor will need to know the reasons why your child or son-in-law or daughter-in-law is refusing you contact with your grandchild. Generally, the family court thinks it is in a child’s best interests to have contact with their extended family, including maternal and paternal grandparents.  The parent of a child may no longer be in contact with their child after their separation or divorce. Maybe they are living a long distance away or working overseas or the parent with care may not have wanted contact because they have remarried. None of these are reasons to stop a grandparent from having a relationship with their grandchild. Alternatively, a parent may say that it would be emotionally abusive for a grandparent to see a grandchild because of the extent of a family rift and because the child would be exposed to the grandparent’s negative views about the parents during contact. Family dynamics can be very complicated but they can be successfully explored to help you obtain an order to enable you to see your grandchild even if you are not fully able to rebuild the relationship between your child or son or daughter-in-law. The family law solicitors at Evolve Family Law can help you resume contact with your grandchild or extend the amount of time you can see them. Our lawyers provide specialist and sensitive advice as we understand that your priority is to spend time with your grandchildren so our focus is on that rather than criticising the child’s parents or others for past wrongs. For expert advice call our team of specialist children lawyers or complete our online enquiry form. 
Louise Halford
Jul 12, 2024   ·   5 minute read
LGBTQIA+ Separation and Divorce   

LGBTQIA+ Separation and Divorce   

The decision to separate and start divorce proceedings or end a civil partnership is a difficult one for any couple. If you are an LGBTQIA+ couple there are particular challenges when separating or getting divorced. For expert advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers or complete our online enquiry form. Choosing the right family lawyer Your family lawyer needs empathy and to understand the challenges you have faced as an LGBTQIA+ couple and during your separation as well as your concerns and fears. Being a red-hot family lawyer is a necessity and having a good sense of humour and ‘getting you’ and what you are going through is a real advantage. At Evolve Family Law we encourage all our potential clients to give us a call to see how we can help you. We are all specialists in family and private client law and pride ourselves on our friendly approach to advising on LGBTQIA+ separation and divorce. LGBTQIA+ separation If you are separating from your partner finding somewhere else to live may be a challenge for you. It may not be possible or comfortable for you to camp out with mum or dad and all your friends may be mutual ones, loath to take sides. Finding somewhere to rent may be tough on a single salary, especially in an area where you feel safe. You may want to stay at the family home but are unsure if you can take the mortgage over in your name. Alternatively, your ex may have kicked you out and won't let you return to live at the property. You may be wary about anyone believing that you have been subject to domestic abuse if it was psychological, financial or involved coercive control. Our family lawyers can advise you about your rights to stay in the family home, interim spousal maintenance (if you are married or in a civil partnership), and injunction remedies if you were subjected to domestic abuse in your relationship. LGBTQIA+ divorce    With the introduction of no-fault divorce ending a civil partnership or getting divorced has got that bit easier as you no longer have to have been separated for at least 2 years and nor do you have to come up with ways in which your spouse has behaved unreasonably before you can start divorce proceedings. Our divorce solicitors can either start the divorce proceedings for you as the sole divorce applicant or, if it is an amicable separation, we can act for both of you and file a joint divorce application. LGBTQIA+ parenting    Whilst children are the priority in every relationship, it is often the case that if you are an LGBTQIA+ couple you may have had a hard journey to parenthood with IVF, surrogacy or adoption struggles. The preciousness of your children can make it hard to accept that parenting after separation should be shared, especially if one of you is the biological parent or the one who pushed to have children. If only one of you is biologically related to your child, then this is a sensitive issue but our family lawyers can help you understand who has parental responsibility for your child. If your child was born while you were in a civil partnership or marriage you will both have parental responsibility. In other scenarios, you may both have parental responsibility through a surrogacy parental order, adoption order, or parental responsibility order. Our family solicitors can advise if you both have parental responsibility and the implications if one of you doesn’t have parental responsibility. It does not mean you have no redress as you can apply to the family court for permission to apply for a child arrangement order so you can secure a contact order or an order that the child lives with you. You may also have the complexity of children from previous relationships. Your ex-partner may want to maintain an ongoing relationship with their stepchildren whilst you think that the child is busy enough splitting their time between you and their other biological parent. Again, there are legal solutions if you are not able to reach a parenting agreement. At Evolve Family Law we specialise in children law and can advise on parenting plans to help you reach an agreement on residence and contact. If you cannot reach an agreement with your ex-partner, we can help you apply for or respond to a child arrangement order application. LGBTQIA+ financial settlements after separation.     Whatever the nature of your relationship you both need a fair financial settlement after you split up. If you are married or in a civil partnership you have more family law rights than if you are in an unmarried relationship. For example, if you are in a cohabiting relationship, you have no right to spousal maintenance or a pension sharing order, and your claims on the family home or family business are limited to property law rights or business law rights. However, if you are a cohabitee or former cohabitee you may still have a property claim on the family home even if it is owned in the sole name of your former partner. If you are married or in a civil partnership the law on how assets are divided is based on need rather than the strict application of property or corporate law. The legal position and your options may be different again if you are caring for a dependent child. Our financial settlement solicitors can talk through your situation and what you want and need to achieve from your financial settlement. We can then negotiate hard to get you a fair financial settlement or, where necessary, apply to the family court to get you a court order that reflects your rights as a husband, wife, civil partner or former cohabitee. [related_posts] LGBTQIA+ Wills and private client advice LGBTQIA+ couples who are not married don’t always realise the importance of Wills whilst they are in a relationship. It is equally important, if you are married, in a civil partnership or former cohabitees, that you review your Will and Lasting Power of Attorney when you are separating from your partner. For expert advice on LGBTQIA+ separation and divorce call our team of specialist divorce lawyers or complete our online enquiry form.
Robin Charrot
Mar 15, 2024   ·   6 minute read
How to Deal With Parental Alienation

How to Deal With Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is one of those topics that parents feel embarrassed to talk about. If you are being prevented from seeing your child after a separation or divorce you may be worried that family, friends and colleagues will judge you assuming you must be the one at fault if you cannot get to see your child. At Evolve Family Law our solicitors are experts in child arrangement order applications involving allegations of alienating behaviour. If you are being stopped from seeing your child our family law solicitors can help you sort out post-separation parenting arrangements for your child or enforce a child arrangement order if your ex-partner still will not let you see your child. For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form. Are you to blame for parental alienation? Lots of people assume that if parental alienation has taken place the parent who is not having contact with their child must have done something ‘’bad’’. However, the definition of parental alienation is one parent turning the mind of a child against the other parent and the child’s negative view of the parent is not justified by any parental behaviour. Instead, the child is being alienated from one parent by the other parent’s deliberate or unintentional psychological manipulation of the child. How to deal with parental alienation Sometimes it is obvious to everyone involved with a child, from family to schoolteachers and health professionals, that parental alienation is taking place. In other families, the process is more subtle but just as insidious. For parents who fear parental alienation is taking place there are some tips on how to deal with parental alienation and maintain a relationship with your child. We recommend that you:  Take legal advice quickly If you think, your ex-partner or former husband or wife is talking inappropriately about you in front of your child it is important to act quickly.  If you wait then the situation may get to the stage that the child is so alienated that they say that they do not want to have contact with you. If you are not able to speak to your former partner directly then you could try speaking to a family member or you could suggest a referral to family mediation or family counselling. If those options do not solve the difficulties, do not delay in taking legal advice and looking at the option of applying for a child arrangements order. If you delay in acting then if the parental alienation behaviour continues it will become harder to resolve the situation and repair the psychological damage experienced by your child. Do not blame the child It is normal to think ‘’my daughter is behaving just like her mother’’ or to say ‘’the apple does not fall far from the tree’’. When a child is playing up or refusing to speak to or see you, it is easy to transfer your frustration with the situation onto the child. After all, why can’t your child stand up for themselves and demand more contact with you or why can’t they at least look cheerful when they do see you? As frustrating as it is, blaming a child or showing your exasperation with the situation is likely to make the situation worse. Do not blame the parent When you get frustrated about parental alienation, it is easy to think that the solution is to tell your side of the story. In the process, you are likely to denigrate the other parent. Taking that approach is likely to make your child more insecure and anxious, and less inclined to have contact. Do not walk away The statistics of how many parents lose contact with their children after a separation or divorce are appalling. Many of those cases do not involve parental alienation but it is sometimes easy to think that your child would be ‘’better off’’ without you. Most children law professionals believe that a child needs and deserves a loving relationship with both parents, even if that has to be achieved through the making of a child arrangements order. Find time for other things in your life If you experience parental alienation, it is easy to obsess over your ex-partner and their behaviour. By doing that you can play into their hands. It is important that you find time to enjoy other aspects of your life during any children court proceedings. [related_posts] What will the court do if it thinks that alienating behaviour is taking place? If you make an application for a child arrangement order the court will carefully consider whether contact is in your child’s best interests. If a child is saying that they do not want contact because of parental alienation, the court can take some proactive steps to try to help you rebuild a relationship with your child. In extreme situations, where a judge finds that the alienating behaviour has caused emotional harm and that the primary carer does not understand the damage created by their actions, the judge can make an order to change the primary carer of the child. How can Evolve Family Law help you? Evolve Family Law is a specialist family law firm with offices in Cheshire and Whitefield, Manchester. Whatever your children or family law concern, Louise Halford and the children law team at Evolve Family Law solicitors will work with you to help you reach a solution. For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form.
Louise Halford
Feb 16, 2024   ·   5 minute read
Planning Together for Children

Planning Together for Children

Planning Together for Children is the name of a course run by the organisation CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support) for separated or divorced parents.    In this blog, our children law solicitors look at the Planning Together for Children course and explain your options if you are a separated parent struggling to reach an agreement with your ex-partner on post-separation parenting arrangements for your children.  For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form.   Planning Together for Children has replaced the Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP) If your friends have told you that after they separated from their spouse, they went on a SPIP (or Separated Parents Information Programme) then you need to be aware that the Planning Together for Children has replaced the SPIP.  Can you use the Planning Together for Children resource? Access to the Planning Together for Children resource is limited to those parents and carers who are ordered by a family court judge to attend the course or who are referred to the course by a Family Court Advisor in children law court proceedings.  You therefore cannot access the online E-learning resources or attend the Parenting Together for Children workshop if you are a separated parent who is looking for information to help you reach an agreement about the parenting arrangements for your children. Nor can you use the resource if you are struggling with sharing parenting responsibilities with your ex-partner but neither of you has applied to the court for a child arrangement order, prohibited steps order, specific issue order or relocation order.  Options if you cannot use the Planning Together for Children resource If you want help in parenting together after separation there are a lot of useful books and online resources. If you need help with family dynamics speaking to a family therapist or counsellor may help as they may be able to assist you both in understanding the priorities of the other parent and help you focus on the best interests of your child when reaching a compromise about shared care, contact arrangements or parenting styles.  If you are struggling to reach an agreement about parenting after a separation or divorce you may not need to apply to court for a child arrangement order as you may be able to reach an agreement through:  Solicitor round table meeting  Solicitor negotiations  Family mediation   Once you have reached an agreement it is a good idea to record what you have agreed in a parenting plan. These types of plans need to be reviewed as your child grows up or circumstances change. For example, if your child wants to go to football sessions on a Saturday or ballet on a Wednesday after school or if one parent has to move house out of the area because of a job move.  You might also be interested in:   [related_posts] A Planning Together for Children referral If you are ordered by a judge to attend the Planning Together for Children course or a Family Court Advisor makes a request to the court for a referral there is no charge for accessing the online resources or going to the workshop.  Whilst you may not be a fan of e-learning or workshops it is important to try and get as much as possible from the course to give you the best shot possible of reaching an agreement with your ex-partner or being able to tell the family judge that you did so.  If you do not go to a Planning Together for Children course when ordered to do so by a judge the court may reorder your attendance on the course. This may delay your court application. Any delay or refusal to attend may make it less likely that the court will make the type of child arrangement order you are seeking.  What does the Planning Together for Children course cover? The e-learning section of the course will look at matters such as:   What happens if you go ahead with the child arrangement order or specific issue order court application?   How a separation and how you handle the separation can affect your child   Conflict and its impact on your child     Looking at the family situation from your child’s perspective   Supportive co-parenting – what it is and how it works   Communication skills to help you listen to your child and co-parent    Once the e-learning section is completed you move on to a workshop. This will normally take place online. Although the workshop is normally held online there are never more than 6 parents in a workshop group. Your ex-partner will not be in the same workshop as you.  The workshop focuses on the negative impact of parental conflict on children, how best to manage conflict and how to improve communication with your child and ex-partner so you can effectively co-parent.  The course will encourage you to discuss and agree on a parenting plan for your child to set out the residence, contact and other important care details for your child to avoid the need for you or your ex-partner to go ahead with your child arrangement order application.  How can Evolve Family Law help you? At Evolve Family Law all our family law solicitors are committed to resolving parenting disputes outside of court wherever possible. For example, through providing legal support during family mediation or helping you negotiate a parenting plan. Reaching an agreement is not always possible. For example, if you fear child abduction as your ex-partner has threatened to take your child overseas or if your ex-spouse is displaying alienating behaviour and refusing to let you see your child, or if you are concerned about contact arrangement because of a history of domestic violence.  Our family law solicitors will listen carefully to your needs and priorities and help you secure the agreement or court order you need for your children.   For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form.    
Louise Halford
Jan 29, 2024   ·   5 minute read
Alienating Behaviour & its Impact on Child Contact After Separation or Divorce

Alienating Behaviour & its Impact on Child Contact After Separation or Divorce

Parental alienation is a concept that has gained familiarity through divorce solicitors and child experts writing about the effect of parental alienation on the children of separated parents and on the parent who has been alienated. A recent family court case has suggested the use of the words ‘alienating behaviour‘ rather than labelling one parent as guilty of parental alienation. In this blog, our children law expert Louise Halford looks at the case and looks at how to approach child arrangement order applications involving allegations of alienating behaviour. As a specialist firm of Northwest family law solicitors, our lawyers can advise you on sorting out residence and contact arrangements after a separation or divorce and represent you in a child arrangement order application. For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form. What is alienating behaviour? Alienating behaviour or parental alienation is where one parent turns a child against the other parent without good reason. You may think that there is never a good reason to cause a child to reject a parent but some level of anxiety about a parent-child relationship may be justified where there are, for example, very real fears of domestic violence or a concern that a child will get sucked into the other parent’s lifestyle choices, such as the parent’s drug or alcohol addiction. In other families, a parent may not have created the child’s feelings of aversion towards the other parent. The child’s feelings may be down to the child’s misconception that one parent was entirely to blame for the marriage breakdown and for the sale of a much-loved family home resulting in the child needing to change schools. In classic cases of parental alienation, there is no objective justification for the alienating behaviour. One parent, through no fault of their own, is squeezed out of their child’s life. Some parents decide to fight back and apply for a child arrangement order so they can continue a relationship with their child. That’s what happened in the case of Re C ("parental alienation" instruction of expert) [2023] EWHC 345 (Fam). The judge,  Sir Andrew McFarlane, said "The identification of ‘alienating behaviour’ should be the court’s focus, rather than any quest to determine whether the label parental alienation can be applied." That approach makes perfect sense as the behaviour needs to be the focus of the court investigation rather than the label. [related_posts] The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (the independent body tasked with providing reports to the court in children law proceedings for child arrangement orders, specific issue orders and prohibited steps orders) have issued guidance on the sort of behaviour a child might display if they have been alienated against one parent by the other. Whilst the guidance is helpful, it’s best to not be too focused on blaming the other parent for your child’s response to requests for contact but to examine any other reasons for your child’s reluctance to see you. For example, older children can be heavily influenced by their friends or by their social commitments and they may hate the thought of spending time with either of their ‘uncool’ parents. Alternatively, a child may be anxious about a new school or about school exams but instead, refocus their anxiety on parental contact rather than address the real reasons for how they are feeling. The impact of alienating behaviour Alienating behaviour can have a devastating impact on a child’s relationship with either their mother or father. Once a child has been alienated and turned against a parent it can be extremely hard to change a child’s mindset that one parent is bad and that the other one is good and can do no wrong. A child’s simplistic view of their parents can lead to long-term emotional and psychological damage to the child. Initially, the child may seem happier that they have cut one parent out of their life, thus reducing the other parent’s antipathy to the weekly contact handover. However, in the longer term, the child may experience feelings of guilt or even reject the parent who encouraged them to stop or limit contact with their other parent. As family lawyers, we understand that many parents don’t foresee the consequences of being openly hostile or critical of the other parent. To some parents saying what they think about their ex-partner in the presence of their child is a way of letting off steam after a difficult separation and a way of verbalising their own feelings of hurt and rejection. It can be an immense comfort to one parent when a child takes their side and is supportive. However,  the parent’s feelings of anger can be projected onto the child who in turn then rejects their other parent, thinking that their views are all their own idea but, in reality, they stem from one parent’s alienating behaviour. Any child arrangement order application involving allegations of alienating behaviour needs to be addressed with a measure of sensitivity and caution. Whilst a parent denied contact with their child wants action, and most importantly wants contact with their son or daughter, it’s best to acknowledge how essential it is to move forward at the child’s pace to repair any damage created through one parent’s alienating behaviour. Our children law solicitors can advise you on sorting out residence and contact arrangements after a difficult separation or divorce and represent you in a child arrangement order application. For expert family law advice call our team or complete our online enquiry form.
Louise Halford
Sep 13, 2023   ·   5 minute read
Young arab girl with hijab doing exercise with her bestfriend at international school. Asian muslim school girl sitting near her classmate during lesson. Multiethnic elementary students in classroom.

Parental Disputes on Schools and School Fees

After a child’s health and happiness, there is nothing more important to parents than their child’s education. Getting your child into the school of your choice can be more challenging when you are separated or divorced from the child’s other parent. For expert advice on children and family law call our team of specialist family lawyers or complete our online enquiry form. Parental disputes and schooling issues Children lawyer, Louise Halford, has helped many parents resolve where their child should be schooled, and sometimes just as importantly, who should pay the school fees. The sorts of parental disputes over education and schooling include disagreements on: Whether a child should be state or privately educated and if educated privately who should pay the fees Whether a child should be home educated by one parent Whether a child should attend a school with a religious affiliation The specific school, with issues over school catchment area and parent’s homes and the feasibility of mid-week contact visits if the school choice is some distance away combined with debates over the Ofsted rankings of potential schools Whether a child should board or be a day pupil Whether a child should have a SEND assessment and be mainstream educated or attend a specialist school to address health concerns such as a child being on the autistic spectrum or dyslexic whether a child should move to a new school, for example if a parent’s new partner’s children attend a different local state school or are being privately educated Who decides on the choice of school? Both parents have equal rights and responsibilities for their child if they share parental responsibility for their offspring. Parental Responsibility means parents have an equal say in the choice of school. If parents can’t reach an agreement after discussion or mediation then ultimately the court can decide and make a specific issue order identifying the school that the child should attend. The court decision is based on what the judge thinks is in the child’s best interests taking into account a range of statutory factors. That is why it is important that the judge knows your child’s personality and likes and dislikes as if your child is sporty and not academic that might influence the judge in deciding that a school with a focus on exam results might not be the best environment for them. When presenting an argument for a particular school pastoral care can be as important as a focus on sports or academic achievement. [related_posts] Who pays the school fees? Most parents’ fear on separation is that their child may not be able to go to the planned private school or may have to come out of private education and move into the state system. The Child Maintenance Service can’t order a parent to pay school fees as part of general child support but the court can make a school fees order to make one parent either pay or contribute towards private school fees and ‘extras’, such as uniforms, music lessons, or the annual school ski trip. The court looks at a range of factors when deciding whether or not to make a school fees order, including the affordability of private education. What next? The new school year, the graduation from nursery to primary school or from primary to secondary school may seem a long time away but all of a sudden choice of schooling will become a pressing issue. That is why separated or divorced parents need to start to talk early and do their research on suitable school options to hopefully reach an agreement on what type or specific school is in your child’s best interests. If an agreement can’t be reached then, after mediation, either parent could start court proceedings. The court will try to decide on children law applications as quickly as it can but inevitably court timetables aren’t as quick as parents ideally want. That means that it pays to think and talk early so the judge has time to make a decision on the choice of school or payment of school fees well in advance of the new school year. For expert advice on children and family law call our team of specialist family lawyers or complete our online enquiry form.
Louise Halford
Apr 26, 2023   ·   4 minute read
side view of concentrated couple reading contract during meeting with lawyer in office

How to Choose a Cheshire Child Contact Solicitor

Let’s face it, when it comes to choosing a Cheshire child contact solicitor, it is hard to know where to start. There’s loads of choice and at Evolve Family Law we have never seen an advert from a child contact solicitor that doesn’t profess to be a child contact specialist or expert in the field of children law. So, how do you choose a Cheshire child contact solicitor? At Evolve Family Law we have put together some tips to help you find the child contact solicitor who is right for you. ​Tips on Choosing a Cheshire Child Contact Solicitor Our top tips on choosing a Cheshire child contact solicitor:   Take time to see if you can work with the child contact solicitor Every parent and every children law solicitor is different so it is important that you take the time to speak to your proposed solicitor to see if you can work with them. That doesn’t mean that you have to like your solicitor (although that does help) but you do need to respect their advice and judgement even if the advice isn’t always what you want to hear.   A good child contact solicitor will tell you that their job isn’t to tell you what you want to hear from them or to agree with you using the philosophy that ‘’the client is always right’’. The solicitor’s job is to ask hard questions and give you honest and robust advice so you don’t waste your time and money in child contact fights that you aren’t going to win. It is easier to take that advice on board if there is an element of trust with your solicitor and respect for their professionalism and advice.   Will the solicitor listen to you? One of the biggest grounds for complaints about children law solicitors is that they don’t always take the time to listen to you and to your concerns as a parent. A good child contact solicitor will tell you that the ability to listen and pick up on the nuances is just as important as the ability to be an effective advocate at a children court hearing. [related_posts] Is the child contact solicitor an expert? Solicitors tend to specialise in family law but within that field solicitors will go onto become experts in particular areas such as children law and parental alienation or child abduction or child relocation. If your solicitor is an expert in conveyancing, Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney as well as child contact then they not have as much expertise as you first thought. An expert isn’t upset if you ask about their experience in your particular children law area of concern.   What do other people say about the child contact solicitor? A recommendation to a Cheshire child contact solicitor by a friend or family member can be comforting and put you at your ease but you still need to do your homework to make sure that you can work with the child contact solicitor and that they specialise in the particular legal area that you need help with. After all the solicitor may have been brilliant with the negotiations for an international prenuptial agreement but do they have the expertise and experience to handle, for example, a former partner with a narcissistic personality disorder who is hell bent on making your life as miserable as possible?   Solicitors tend to rely on personal recommendations and they are always very grateful to receive them as there is nothing more powerful than the words of a client.   Here is what one children law client wrote about children law solicitor Louise Halford in June 2020: ‘’ The team at Evolve Family Law are the best. Louise Halford got me through a very difficult time with my family law matters finding a suitable arrangement in the children’s best interests. Louise Halford’s professionalism is a credit to her. But more importantly she showed empathy, patience and care delivered through friendly and honest advice. Louise Halford had my back from start to finish. I can't thank you enough…..thank you for being by my side.’’   Another children law client was more succinct in his praise of Louise Halford and said in June 2020: ‘’You are a star from heaven.’’   Is the solicitor upfront about costs, timescales and what to expect? Going to court isn’t an easy option for most parents so it is best to find a Cheshire child contact solicitor who is clear about your alternative options, such as family mediation, and will talk you through what to expect in terms of costs, timescales and the court process. That way you can make an informed decision about whether a child arrangements order application or a prohibited steps order application is the best option for you and your family.   Read more about the ethos of the Cheshire child contact solicitors at Evolve Family Law. Our Cheshire Child Contact Solicitors If you need legal help with child contact or need representation in children law proceedings for a child arrangements order or other type of children law order then call Holmes Chapel based Evolve Cheshire children solicitorsor contact us online. Appointments are available in person, through video conferencing, Skype or by telephone.
Robin Charrot
Jan 16, 2023   ·   5 minute read
Mom playing with her child outdoors in sunlight

Travelling If Your Child Has a Different Surname

Every time you stand in a queue at the airport do you tense up, worried about whether you will be challenged by an official over your paperwork, luggage or children? It is a particular concern if your children’s surname is different to your own. For example, if your ex-partner registered the children using her surname or if you reverted to using your maiden name after your divorce. In this article, our family law solicitors look at the issues that can arise when travelling with your children if their surname is different to yours.          For expert family law advice call our team of specialist family lawyers or complete our online enquiry form. Why do issues arise when travelling with children whose surnames are different to yours? You may think that an official is just being difficult but border officials, passport control, and airport and ferry staff are all trained to look out for children travelling with adults who do not share the surname of the children they are accompanying. It is a red flag for potential child abduction or child trafficking – although all you want to do is take your children to Spain for a much-earned break. It is easy to get angry when you are questioned about your children, especially when you are already stressed out by airport delays or if your toddler is having a tantrum. When your child looks like the spitting image of you then it is hard to bite back on a cutting reply and easy to get into an argument that can unravel into your family not being able to travel. As family law solicitors working with parents worried about potential child abduction and trying to recover abducted children from abroad, the careful approach taken by some UK and overseas border officials and travel staff is in many ways very welcome. However, family solicitors do share the frustration experienced by some UK families about the lack of consistent international rules on the paperwork needed to travel with a child either as a family, a single parent, a relative or a nanny. The difference in regulations between countries can catch out the unwary parent and ruin a planned trip. It isn’t just single, separated or divorced parents who need to be careful. If you are a grandparent, whose surname is different to that of your grandchild, and you are taking your child abroad on holiday then you may encounter the same issues. [related_posts] A cautionary tale For those who question if travelling with a child is an issue our family law solicitor, Louise Halford, has first-hand experience of the difficulties. She tried to help a dad take his daughter on holiday to South Africa. He had arrived at the airport check-in desk without appreciating that as he was flying to South Africa on his own with his daughter, he would need a legal affidavit as well as extra paperwork. She happened to be at the next check-in desk and offered to help with the legal document and his wife rushed down with extra paperwork to try and make sure that her daughter could go on the planned trip. Sadly, all their efforts didn’t work out as the family only had their daughter’s short-style birth certificate. If an affidavit is needed so a child can go abroad with a parent then there must be enough time for all the paperwork to be obtained before the affidavit is sworn. What paperwork is needed if you are travelling overseas and your children have a different surname? The exact documents you need depend on the country you are travelling to. Whilst you may not be challenged to produce additional documents in the UK you may be asked for additional paperwork when you are trying to enter another country or leave it to return to the UK. As a general rule, to safeguard yourself and in case of officials not taking your word about your relationship with your children, it is best to take birth certificates for yourself and the children, copies of any change of name deed and marriage certificate (for example, if you reverted to your maiden name after your divorce) and evidence that the child’s other parent agrees to the trip. If you couldn’t get the other parent’s written consent, and instead had to apply to the court to obtain a holiday order, then take the order with you. If the court has awarded you a child arrangement order it is sensible to take a copy of that order as well. Do I need the other parent’s consent to take the children out of the UK? If you are not travelling with your child’s other parent, you may need their written consent or a court order to legally take your child abroad. Whether you need the other parent’s written agreement depends on if your child lives with you and if you have a child arrangement order that says you are the parent with care. If so, you don’t need written consent or a holiday court order provided your overseas holiday is for 28 days or less. If you fall in the category of the child arrangement order covering your trip it is sensible to take the order with you. If you aren’t sure if your child arrangement order says your child lives with you ( the wording on court orders can be rather confusing) speak to a family law solicitor about whether you need written consent or a holiday order. If you don’t have a child arrangement order, or the order just sets out the contact arrangements with your child, then you need written agreement from the other parent (or anyone else with parental responsibility) or a holiday court order. From a family law solicitor’s perspective, parents should be prepared to answer questions when travelling overseas with their children, especially when the children have a different surname to you, and should check the: The paperwork you need to take with you and The rules in the country you are travelling to and the documents you may need there For expert family law advice call our team of specialist family lawyers or complete our online enquiry form.
Louise Halford
Jan 04, 2023   ·   6 minute read
Young arab girl with hijab doing exercise with her bestfriend at international school. Asian muslim school girl sitting near her classmate during lesson. Multiethnic elementary students in classroom.

Disputes Over Your Child’s Schooling

When you are a separated or divorced parent it can be hard to reach an agreement over aspects of your child’s parenting. The importance of a child’s education can be a trigger point for family law disputes with each parent holding equally strong views about the schooling and education choices that are best for their child. In this article, children law solicitor Louise Halford helps parents understand their options when there is a family law dispute over schooling. For expert family and children law advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers or complete our online enquiry form. School-related family law disputes Parents can get involved in a range of school-related children and family law disputes including: Whether a child should be privately educated or state educated The choice of private school – with disputes over whether a child should board or be a day pupil or the location of the school or its specialism in academic achievements or sports The decision to home school Entering a child for grammar school exams Whether to request a special educational needs assessment or not The decision to request a child attends a mainstream school or a specialist school Attendance of both parents at school sports days or plays or other events The release of information, such as school reports or attendance records, by the school to the parent who does not have daily care of the child Contact arrangements and collection from or return to school One parent taking the child on holiday during term time Parental disagreement over use of school disciplines, such as school detention, suspension, or exclusion Resolving school-related parent disputes It is best to resolve school-related parent disputes as quickly as possible. Ways to achieve that include: Solicitor negotiations Roundtable meeting Family mediation If you cannot reach an agreement then either you or your ex-husband or wife can apply to the court for the court to decide on the issue in dispute. This is called an application for a specific issue order. Alternatively, you may need to apply for or respond to an application for a prohibited steps order or child arrangement order. During any children law proceedings, you will be encouraged to reach a resolution so you do not have to ask a judge to determine the school-related dispute at a contested final hearing. [related_posts] Court proceedings to determine school-related parental disputes Whatever type of school-related parental dispute a judge is being asked to adjudicate on, the court must look at a range of factors, known as the ‘welfare checklist’ when making a decision. The key point is that the court must make a decision based on what it thinks is in the child’s best interests. For example, you may want your child to be privately educated and you may have selected and reserved a place at the best private prep school with an excellent academic record. Your ex-spouse may believe that your child is too young to board or that your child is not sufficiently academic to thrive in your chosen prep school. You may attribute their objections to selfishness on their part or a desire to thwart your long-held ambitions for your son or daughter. A court will consider your child’s wishes and feelings after considering their age and level of understanding as well as their personality and both parents’ arguments.  The fact that a child does not want to go to a new school does not mean that the court will not make a specific issue order as the court will look at what is in the child’s overall best interests. The likelihood of succeeding in an application for a specific issue order in part depends on the homework you and your family lawyer do in preparation for the court case. For example, if there is a dispute over the choice of school, checking Ofsted reports can be helpful. If there is a dispute over whether home-schooling is in a child’s best interests a detailed statement covering why a parent is so committed to home education, their research on available local resources and support groups, the child’s experiences in previous schools, and how the parent can cover a range of lessons, and ensure the child also enjoys activities with friends of their own age such as drama and sport, can be very persuasive. For expert family and children law advice call our team of specialist divorce lawyers or complete our online enquiry form.
Louise Halford
Nov 22, 2022   ·   4 minute read